Freshworks - Elevate customers’ experience with CXM system

Modified on Sun, 22 Oct, 2023 at 11:13 AM

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Freshworks – ยกระดับประสบการณ์ลูกค้าด้วยระบบ CXM

By Rawipa Namsamrong, 12th October 2023


Translated by Jirat Boomuang, 19th October 2023

Executive Summary:

The competitive business landscape of today demands an exceptional Customer Experience Management (CXM) to differentiate oneself and to foster customer loyalty. A key tool to achieve this is 'Freshworks', a CXM software platform enhanced by artificial intelligence. This platform is equally beneficial for B2B and B2C businesses, providing considerable advantages for sales, marketing, and customer service teams.

The article explores the potent capabilities of a tool named Freshworks, which utilises the power of the CXM system. Freshworks empowers businesses to comprehend their customer needs accurately and respond promptly. This tool is instrumental in not only streamlining internal functions but also in enhancing the customer touchpoints throughout their journey, thereby elevating the overall shopping experience.

As businesses strive to maintain relevance and competitiveness, adoption of such robust digital platforms, like Freshworks, is no longer a luxury but a critical necessity. Understanding and integrating this platform into the operational paradigm will indubitably lead to enhanced customer experiences and operational efficiency.

However, the transition to Freshworks may seem daunting for businesses unfamiliar with the platform. This is where Ada Robotech, experts in AI and ML integration services, come into the picture. Ada Robotech can guide your business through the entire process of Freshworks implementation, enhancing customer experiences, employee services, and providing your business with a unique competitive edge.

Ada Robotech's specialisation can leverage the full potential of Freshworks' AI-powered capabilities, ensuring an optimised CXM system for your business. By choosing Ada Robotech as your Freshworks implementer, your business can navigate the intricacies of CXM enhancement, secure in the knowledge that you are backed by specialists in the field.

For more information, please check out their current promotion HERE or visit Ada Robotech's homepage HERE.

In conclusion, to elevate customers' experiences and gain an edge over competitors, implementing Freshworks with the assistance of Ada Robotech is a strategic business decision that is likely to reap substantial benefits.

[Sponsorship Disclosure] This content is sponsored by Ada Robotech.

Freshworks - Elevate customers’ experience with CXM system

In the fiercely competitive era of digital business, it is crucial for companies to prioritise creating an excellent customer experience (Customer Experience) to attract and retain customers for the long haul. Often, business operations can be intricate, given the diverse needs of the customers. Furthermore, organisations also have to manage internal relationships and employee operational systems.

Therefore, modern businesses need to have an efficient system that addresses every customer touchpoint and a system that efficiently manages internal operations. One of the pivotal tools that can enhance a customer's experience is the Customer Experience Management (CXM) system. This system gathers and manages customer data to deliver an outstanding experience throughout the customer journey.

This article introduces a vital tool called Freshworks, capable of harnessing the power of the CXM system. It helps businesses understand their customer needs and responds swiftly and accurately. Let's delve into what it has to offer!


Get acquainted with Freshworks, a CXM (Customer Experience Management) platform that elevates the shopping experience for customers. 

Freshworks is a globally recognised software company that provides CXM (Customer Experience Management) solutions to businesses of all sizes. Freshworks is listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange with a market value of $5.85 billion and has offices in over 20 countries worldwide. It's indeed an intriguing tool that many B2B and B2C businesses, be it sales or marketing teams, should consider integrating.

Ada Robotech, an expert in Freshworks in Thailand, offers services ranging from installation, adaptation, to system maintenance for various businesses. With a seasoned team and specialists in Integration Services, Ada Robotech ensures that businesses utilise Freshworks in the most efficient and cost-effective manner.

Freshworks enhances business capabilities by enabling the creation of superior customer experiences more effectively, covering every customer touchpoint from enquiries, sales, post-sales services, to problem resolution for both B2B and B2C businesses. Whether addressing delayed customer query responses or subpar after-sales service, the system assists businesses in answering customer questions and enhancing post-sales services, impressing the customers even further.

Therefore, Freshworks stands as an efficient and valuable tool that can certainly uplift a business's customer experience to even greater heights.

Delving Deep into the End-to-end AI-powered CXM System 

Freshworks boasts an End-to-end AI-powered CXM system, harnessing the power of AI and Machine Learning to enhance operational efficiency. CXM, also known as CEM, derived from Customer Experience Management, is a system designed to manage customer relationships with a primary focus on crafting exceptional customer experiences throughout the entire product purchasing cycle.

The AI capabilities of Freshworks enable businesses to analyse behavioural data, ensuring a profound understanding of customer needs. This system facilitates rapid and precise customer query responses and can even predict potential issues, allowing for timely resolutions. Furthermore, it offers an array of AI features that bolster functionalities across various departments, encompassing the diverse needs of both customers and internal organisation staff.

What is CXM? And Why is it Pivotal for Modern Businesses?

Customer Experience Management (CXM) transcends mere technology or tools. Instead, it represents a harmonious blend of strategy, processes, and technology that equips businesses to grasp customer needs and respond adeptly. With the aid of AI and Machine Learning, it refines operational processes, offering manifold benefits such as:

Crafting Superior Customer Experiences: The CXM system enables businesses to discern the needs of their target demographic, paving the way to elicit feelings of satisfaction and awe regarding the experiences offered by the enterprise.


Boosting Operational Efficiency: The CXM system can supercharge a business's efficiency, alleviating staff workload and trimming superfluous expenses whilst ensuring valuable outcomes.

Cost Reduction: The CXM framework can assist businesses in slashing various overheads, be it staffing costs or expenses related to software and tool procurement.

You might have previously encountered the term CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and pondered how the two differ.

The distinction between CXM and CRM lies in their conceptual frameworks and operational systems. While CXM underscores the coordination of tasks and the integration of customer data from all avenues, ensuring businesses can serve their clientele comprehensively and effectively, CRM is more geared towards managing customer data and predominantly relies on grouped data over real-time information.

This makes CXM supremely crucial for businesses in the digital age. As customer expectations surge, businesses must possess a robust customer experience management system to intuitively cater to the needs of their target groups and gain a competitive edge. Beyond this, it aids in retaining a steadfast customer base, ensuring their prolonged association with the business.

Introducing Key Features of Freshworks that Elevate Customer Experience 

Freshworks is a CXM (Customer Experience Management) software platform, expertly crafted to empower businesses of all scales to enhance their customer experience with remarkable efficiency. It boasts a myriad of principal features, meticulously designed to help businesses pinpoint and swiftly respond to their customers' needs. In this article, we'll spotlight some of these paramount attributes for your perusal.


Source: Freshworks

Freshdesk is a helpdesk system that assists businesses in efficiently addressing customer queries and resolving their issues. It boasts a multitude of features that ensure businesses provide comprehensive customer service, such as:

Ticketing System: This tool enables businesses to prioritise, categorise, and assign tasks (tickets).

  - Team Inbox: Monitor and manage tickets from multiple channels within a single mailbox.

  - Agent Collision Detection: Prevents multiple team members from unintentionally working on the same ticket simultaneously.

  - Custom Ticket Status: Craft personalised ticket statuses suitable for specific workflows, indicating their current state.

Resolve Issues Together: Encourage collaborative team efforts to swiftly tackle customer concerns.

  - Collaborators: Join forces with internal or external teams to expedite the resolution of intricate issues.

  - Parent-Child Ticketing: Handle complex, multi-step issues more rapidly by splitting the workload.

  - Intelligent Ticket Assignment: Allocate tickets to agents based on their current workload and skills.

Help Customers Help Themselves: Deliver a self-service experience for customers with a knowledge base.

  - Knowledge Base: Enables businesses to conveniently share information and various documents with their customers.

  - Self-Service Portal: Empowers customers to search for answers to their queries independently.

  - Social Media Integration: Assists businesses in addressing customer queries via social media platforms.

Freshdesk operates by consolidating customer interactions from all channels, such as emails, phone calls, chats, and social media. Subsequently, the system organises this data to create a centralised customer information hub. Company personnel can then set criteria and implement automated workflows to effectively and uniformly manage customer interactions.


Source: Freshworks

Freshchat is a live chat system that aids businesses in offering real-time customer service, available in over 33 languages. It boasts an array of features designed to help businesses deliver an exceptional chat experience to their customers, such as:

Messaging Channels: Supports customer engagement across various platforms like websites, mobile phones, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Apple Business Chat, and LINE.

Team Inbox: Freshchat features a centralised mailbox, facilitating easy access to customer data and conversation management, ensuring swift issue tracking and resolution.

Performance Reports: Enables businesses to monitor team performance, such as the volume of messages sent and received and chat trends.

Freshchat operates by integrating with a business's website or application, allowing customers to directly communicate via chat. Additionally, it harnesses AI to track customer behaviours, analysing chat data to refine the experience and accurately address customer queries, enhancing service precision.


Source: Freshworks

Freshservice is an IT Service Management (ITSM) platform that effectively supports businesses in delivering post-sales services. It provides a wealth of features aimed at managing customer IT challenges, such as:

IT Service Management

Knowledge Management: Assists businesses in creating and managing a knowledge base to support users in various scenarios. Furthermore, it integrates with other data and internal content management systems to cultivate new knowledge repositories.

Workload Management: Offers a holistic view of all tasks assigned to team members. Beyond that, it assesses the workload, ensuring more efficient planning and simplified task management.

IT Operations Management

Cloud Management: Freshservice seamlessly integrates with leading cloud services like AWS, Azure, and VMware, automating the capture of cloud resources. It transforms manual and redundant tasks into automated processes using the Cloud catalogue and Orchestration Centre.

Alert Management: Aggregates all notifications into a single interface, utilising the Freddy AI algorithm to distinguish critical operational alerts, automating the creation and routing of relevant pathways.

Freshservice functions by consolidating all customer complaints into one system, allowing businesses to efficiently track and manage customer grievances. Moreover, Freshservice aids businesses in constructing a Knowledge Base for swift and convenient resolution of customer IT issues, alongside analysing post-sales customer service data for future operational improvements.


Source: Freshworks

Freshsales is a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system that assists businesses in managing sales and customer relationships, offering a plethora of features, such as:

Lead Management: Helps businesses efficiently track and manage potential customers.

Sales Pipeline: Enables businesses to accurately monitor sales status.

Activity Timeline: Displays information in tabular, list, or Kanban board formats up to a detailed activity timeline, facilitating the management of chronological events across websites, apps, and more.

Workflows And Sales Sequences: Oversee the Freshsales sales process, allowing sales teams to efficiently follow sales procedures for faster deal closures.

Sales Reports: Sales analytics give sales teams the capability to swiftly assess performance and identify issues, leading to improved operational enhancements.

Freshsales operates with automated systems and AI to aid businesses in closing sales and fostering robust customer relationships. Furthermore, Freshsales enables businesses to monitor and analyse customer data, refining sales efficacy and marketing planning.

Freddy AI

Source: Freshworks

Freddy AI is an artificial intelligence (AI) tool designed to assist businesses in data analysis and deliver profound insights. It boasts a multitude of features that aid businesses in comprehending customer needs and responding in line with expectations, such as:

Freddy AI for Customer Service: An exemplary customer service assistant that offers personalised responses based on different customer profiles, ensuring assistance is contextually relevant and provides the most appropriate solutions.


Freddy AI for Sales: An AI system designed to expedite deal closures by effectively segmenting customers, offering smart recommendations, and facilitating sales-related conversations.

Freddy AI for Marketing: Enhances campaign efficiency by precisely targeting audience groups and delivering messages based on their interests. This system also recommends products at the most suitable times.

Freddy AI for IT and Employee Service: An AI system that automates processes to support employees with personalised responses based on the context, ensuring swift issue resolution.

Freddy AI for Developers: A tool that aids in app development, website creation, code generation, and timely customisations.

These features enable businesses to anticipate customer needs and behaviours, allowing them to address these needs swiftly and accurately. Additionally, Freddy AI helps businesses craft a personalised experience for their customers.

Furthermore, these are the primary features of Freshworks, a potent and valuable CXM software platform. Beyond these core features, there are myriad other tools to elevate the customer experience, such as Freshmarketer (a marketing system), Freshteam (a human resource management system), Freshcaller (a calling system), and many more.

Regardless of whether the business model is B2C or B2B, Freshservice can be utilised effectively to offer post-sales services, ensuring customer satisfaction and smooth usage. For businesses aiming to boost sales and revenue, both Freshsales and Freddy AI can be employed to monitor and seal deals, while simultaneously attracting new customers.

For Which Businesses is Freshworks Most Suited?

Given that Freshworks operates as a multifaceted business software platform, offering a spectrum from customer service, sales, and marketing to IT services, it is aptly tailored for businesses spanning across all industries. Nonetheless, certain types of businesses, especially those consistently engaged with customer matters, might find more pronounced benefits than others. For instance:

B2B Business Entities

Those involved in B2B ventures, like E-Commerce, Fintech, Hospitality, Property Development, and Retail Industries, or businesses seeking a software solution to fuel their growth and success, would find Freshworks instrumental. It offers a holistic view of business operations, enabling decisions to be made effectively when addressing challenges.

B2C Business Users

B2C business users, including sales teams, marketing departments, and customer support units, who are in quest of software solutions to monitor sales opportunities, nurture customer relationships, and design targeted marketing campaigns will find Freshworks invaluable. It’s designed to meet specific requirements and cater to customer segments without unnecessary resource allocation.

It’s worth noting that Freshworks boasts a plethora of functionalities and features tailored to meet the needs of businesses that need to continually manage or engage with a substantial customer base. This tool not only enhances operational efficiency but also elevates the customer experience. Moreover, its flexibility allows customisation to fit the specific operational procedures of diverse industries, making it a comprehensive solution in a singular package.

Why Should Businesses Opt for Freshworks?

Freshworks is a robust SaaS software platform offering services in CRM, Helpdesk, Customer Engagement, and much more, positioning it as an ideal tool for numerous industries seeking to enhance their operations and deliver a superior experience to their customers.


1. Comprehensive Operational Ecosystem

   Freshworks presents a holistic software solution covering every aspect of customer management, from CRM to post-sales services. It negates the need for multiple service providers, simplifying processes and reducing operational costs.

2. Integration of Tools & Apps

   With its API and SDK, Freshworks effortlessly integrates with other tools and applications. This seamless integration ensures businesses can maximise the benefits derived from their existing data and resources.

3. Flexible Feature Set

   Freshworks offers a competitive edge by providing an array of features and capabilities, allowing businesses to quickly cater to customer demands. This responsiveness ensures an advantageous position over competitors.

4. Customisable Visual Dashboards

   Users can tailor dashboards, incorporating graphs or images for clearer data interpretation, facilitating quicker issue resolution. Moreover, key performance indicators can be monitored proactively, drawing from the data in reports and dashboards.

5. Cost-Efficiency

   Freshworks presents itself as an economically sound choice compared to its competitors. With a diverse range of service plans tailored to fit varying budgets and specific business needs, further cost savings can be achieved.

In essence, adopting Freshworks can streamline processes, enable data-driven decisions, and enhance customer interactions, all while remaining cost-effective.

Why Should One Opt for Ada Robotech when Implementing Freshworks?

Ada Robotech is an official partner of Freshworks in Thailand and the Southeast Asian region. They stand as a firm committed to offering services in the installation, customisation, and usage of Freshworks for businesses of all sizes and across all industries. Furthermore, they boast an expert team specialising in AI, capable of assisting at every stage – from developing AI/ML strategies to crafting and adapting solutions powered by AI.

Moreover, Ada Robotech provides a myriad of cloud service offerings, including SaaS, PaaS, and iPaaS, catering to the diverse workflow needs of various businesses and facilitating automated system operations. Amongst the plethora of advantages enabling businesses to commence operations swiftly and harness their full potential, one notable highlight is their expertise in the swift and seamless migration of existing data or systems.

In essence, by opting for Ada Robotech, organisations can achieve a hassle-free integration of Freshworks, leveraging the full potential of the platform while ensuring the smooth continuity of their existing operations.

Efficient and Swift Installation Period

Thanks to Ada Robotech's incorporation of Automation and Artificial Intelligence within the installation process, businesses can benefit from speed, quality, and flexibility. This enables rapid and straightforward deployment of Freshworks in a remarkably short timeframe. Especially for businesses already using CRM or CXM systems, the convenience in migrating is pronounced. Ada Robotech offers CRM Migration services, with a variety of transfer methods tailored to the volume and type of data, ensuring the platform transition is not only swift but also more effective. The data transfer methods can be categorised into three main approaches, as follows:

Direct Migration: This refers to a straightforward migration process, where tools are used to directly transfer data from the existing CRM system to Freshworks. This method is particularly suitable for smaller to medium-sized data migrations, due to its time efficiency and reduced costs.

Indirect Migration: This is a more roundabout migration method, employing tools to convert data from the original CRM system into a format compatible with Freshworks. It's ideal for larger data migrations, as it can handle various data types and is equipped to manage large data volumes.

Hybrid Migration: As the name suggests, this combines both the Direct and Indirect Migration methods. It's appropriate for large data migrations that have certain portions of data which can't be easily converted.

Ada Robotech's installation process consists of evaluating a business's specific needs, designing solutions that are tailored to the business, and the installation or customisation conducted by a team of experts experienced in deploying Freshworks for businesses of all sizes and industries, catering to their unique requirements. Moreover, they also offer Generative AI services, assisting businesses in efficiently and swiftly building a knowledge base.

Three Case Studies from Businesses Turning to Freshworks

COVID Automation via Chat: Automating Responses during the COVID-19 Outbreak  

The Indian government aimed to enhance operational efficiency and deliver an improved experience for its citizens amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.


- The government received numerous questions and complaints related to COVID-19.

- Government officials expended significant time and effort addressing these queries and grievances.

- Citizens faced long waiting times to get responses.


The Indian government utilised Freshchat's feature to offer Livechat for its citizens. Freshchat's chatbot was set up to automatically answer general queries about COVID-19, alleviating the burden on officials and providing quicker responses to the public.


- The government could swiftly and accurately address citizen queries and complaints.

- The public received better service and expressed increased satisfaction.

- Government officials worked more efficiently.

Synergy Enterprise Solutions: Addressing the Need to Boost Sales  

Synergy Enterprise Solutions, a software company operating in Australia and New Zealand, sought to increase revenue and enhance the performance of their sales team.


- Synergy's sales team struggled to keep track of customer information.

- They spent excessive time searching for client details.

- Closing sales was cumbersome due to a lack of flexibility in their platform.


Synergy Enterprise Solutions adopted Freshsales to monitor customer interactions, thereby creating more sales opportunities. This allowed the company's sales team to meticulously track clients and expedite sales closures. They refined their sales approach, focusing on promising leads, revamped their Workflow Automation to reduce initial contact time, improved the user interface for ease of use, and deployed AI-insights for behavioural tracking and dashboard analytics.


- Synergy Enterprise Solutions saw a revenue increase of 20%.

- Their sales team accelerated sales closures by 30%.

- Time spent searching for customer information was notably reduced.

Bensons for Beds: Improving Customer Service Operations  

Bensons for Beds, a leading bed specialist in the UK with nearly 70 years of experience in providing beds, frames, mattresses, and bedroom furniture, aimed to refine their customer service processes and seek valuable investments.


- Bensons' customer service team was inundated with queries and complaints.

- They struggled to swiftly resolve customer issues.

- Customers frequently had to make multiple calls to address a single concern.


Bensons' IT team implemented Freshworks ITSM – Freshservice to manage customer issues. They transitioned from traditional email and inbox systems to a unified Ticketing System, ensuring all staff were on the same page and could systematically handle customer problems. Additionally, the company expanded its use of Freshservice to HR and payroll departments, enabling employees to request leave and update personal data in the company database.


- Bensons achieved a 95% First Call Resolution rate.

- They reduced customer service costs by 20%.

- Customers reported higher satisfaction levels with Bensons' service.


Creating an excellent Customer Experience Management (CXM) can set our business apart and attract customers to stay with us for the long haul. Thus, having tools like Freshworks, a CXM software platform powered by AI, can be instrumental in elevating customer experiences. It proves to be an invaluable asset for both B2B and B2C businesses, benefiting sales teams, marketing teams, and customer service departments immensely.

For businesses contemplating making the move to Freshworks but uncertain where to begin, we recommend consulting with Ada Robotech, specialists in AI and ML integration services. They can guide your business in enhancing customer experiences, employee services, and establishing a distinctive edge over competitors.


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